Welcome to Badger Class

In Badger class our teachers are Mrs Warwick and Mrs Wakeman, and Mrs Schofield helps us with our learning as our class Teaching Assistant.

Our Learning

In the autumn term, in our science lessons, we learn about living things and how they grow including finding out about plant structures and animal skeletons. In our topic lessons, we learn to use maps in our geography lessons; and in our history lessons we learn about life in Bronze Age and Iron Age Britain. This includes learning to make jewellery in the style of pieces discovered in archaeological digs, in our DT lessons.

In the spring term, we learn about movement in different ways. As well as learning to move with control in PE, we learn about how mechanisms move, in DT; and animation in art. In our geography lessons, the children will learn about the features and characteristics of Earth’s layers, including a detailed exploration of volcanic, tectonic and seismic activity.

In the summer term, the children learn about Ancient Egyptian civilisation, including religious ceremonies; and make comparisons to life in Ancient Sumer in our history lessons. Whilst in our DT lessons, the children learn about healthy foods; then design and make their own healthy snacks.

In the summer we will ask for children to bring in sun hats and suncream to be worn every day.

Online Learning

To support the children with their learning of key facts and calculation methods, we have created accounts for the children to use on both Times Tables Rock Stars and on TUTOR from Complete Maths.

Children have the login details for both websites inside the cover of their homework book.

Times Tables Rock Stars – learn and practise times tables : https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth

TUTOR – bespoke digital maths tutoring: https://tutor.completemaths.com/



Reading books: These will come home daily so that you can read with your child at home. Please remember to bring your reading book and reading record to school every day.

Spellings: We will be practising our spellings everyday at school. If there are any that you still find tricky, we will send a list home each Friday for some extra practise.

Timetables: By the end of Year 4 the children need to know their times tables up to 12 X 12. We will do daily practise in school, but please also use Times Table Rock Stars for extra practise at home.


Children can come to school in their PE kit on their PE days. At the start of each term we will send home a letter to let you know which days these are.

As a reminder, please make sure that your child does not wear any jewellery for PE, including ear studs – national guidance has been updated to state that we are no longer allowed to tape ears for PE; so these need to be removed on PE days otherwise your child will not be allowed to participate in the practical tasks.

Other learning experiences

Please look out for letters about educational visits, reading cafes and parent workshops; and other school events.

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