Welcome to Otter Class

Otter Class is a Year 4 and 5 class taught by Mrs Walker and supported by Mrs Harrington. We encourage the children to act as role models, work as a team and support each other with kindness.

In the mornings there is a focus on English and Maths skills with plenty of opportunities to revisit these areas of learning. We aim to practise some of these skills in their afternoon lessons, these include Science, Topic, Art, DT, Music, RE, PSHE and PE. We still encourage the children to read widely and a love of reading is fostered with daily reading times.

Our Learning

In the autumn term we begin our topic learning with finding out about diversity of environments, including cities and countryside locations around the world. This is followed with a history topic, in which the children learn about life in Britain during the era of Anglo-Saxon invasion and settlement, and the arrival of the Vikings. In science we continue learning about plants and animals, including learning about growth and development.

In the spring term, we find out about contrasting localities in the USA. Children use their map skills to plan a road trip of a lifetime, choosing which natural and man-made landmarks to stop at along the way. In art, the children learn about contemporary and traditional still life including investigating the work of famous artists.

In the summer term, we develop our understanding of forces in our science lessons; and then apply this understanding in our DT topics as we examine the work of architects and create our own model buildings. This term also sees us learning about the Earth and space, including finding out about important objects within our solar system.


Children can come to school in their PE kit on their PE days. At the start of each term we will send home a letter to let you know which days these are.

As a reminder, please make sure that your child does not wear any jewellery for PE, including ear studs – national guidance has been updated to state that we are no longer allowed to tape ears for PE; so these need to be removed on PE days otherwise your child will not be allowed to participate in the practical tasks.


Children are given English and Maths homework tasks each week on a Friday to be handed in on the following Wednesday in order to consolidate their class learning.

Other learning experiences

Please look out for letters about educational visits, reading cafes and parent workshops; and other school events.


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