The school uniform is worn by all pupils in school (Reception to Year 6), and parents are asked to support our uniform guidance.

School Uniform

The uniform is as follows:

  • White polo shirt/plain white shirt/blouse with collar
  • School sweatshirt/cardigan or plain royal blue jumper/cardigan
  • Plain grey/black trousers or plain grey/black skirt
  • In summer – blue/white check summer dress or plain grey or black shorts
  • Plain black/grey tights or white socks.
  • All pupils must wear plain black shoes, suitable for the time of year. These need to be comfortable, protective and safe for active play including climbing on apparatus.


PE kit

  • School PE t-shirt or plain royal blue/white t- shirt, black or navy shorts
  • Plimsolls or trainers
  • Blue sweatshirt and plain black tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE (winter)
  • Games lessons will be outside so children will need suitable PE wear for cold weather.

Children who are offered swimming at the Sports Centre need swimming costumes/trunks (not Bermuda shorts), towels and if hair covers eyes, a swimming cap. They are not allowed to wear earrings in the pool.

Hairstyles should be sensible, no Mohicans, dyed hair, shaved patterns or other hairstyles that may be deemed inappropriate for school.

It is essential that all children are dressed sensibly for school. Uniform bearing the school logo can be ordered from the school office.

Please ensure all articles of clothing, particularly jumpers, cardigans and school coats, are clearly labelled with your child’s name. This is the only way we can ensure lost items of clothing are returned. Please also encourage your child to look after their own belongings. Your support with this is very much appreciated.

Jewellery is not allowed in school. The only exception to this is a watch and simple stud earrings, but these must be removed for PE. Children will be asked to remove any jewellery worn during the school day. The school does not accept responsibility for loss, theft or damage to any personal items of property, clothing or jewellery.

If parents wish to have their child’s ears pierced, it is suggested that this is done at the beginning of the summer holidays, so that by the time the autumn terms starts, studs may be removed. Earrings, in particular, represent a considerable accident risk both in physical education and play and it is recommended that children should not wear them in school. School staff cannot accept responsibility for the removal of earrings.

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