Welcome to Robin Class

In Robin Class we are very lucky to have several adults working with the children, including Mr Walker (Robin class teacher), Mrs Smith and Mrs Nichols (our class Teaching Assistants); and Mrs Biggs (Early Years Leader) will often work with the children too.

Reading: Children will be bringing home a class library book each week and this can be changed on a Friday. Information about individual levelled reading books will come home in a few weeks.

PE: We will be doing PE every Monday. PE kits can be kept at school all week in a named bag as this allows your child’s PE kit to be used if they need a change of clothes.

Forest school: We will be having weekly Forest School sessions on Thursday. On this day, please send in wellies and trousers you are happy to get dirty. More details about Forest School will come out in a separate letter.


Further important information

School day: 8.50am – 3.20pm  Children can be dropped off at school from 8.40am.

Food and Drink

  • Please bring a named filled water bottle every day.
  • The school provides a morning fruit snack for your child and milk is available for those who have filled out a ‘Milk letter’.


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