Welcome to Rabbit Class

Our Teacher is Miss Stivey, and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Benjamin.

We start each morning with handwriting practice followed by maths and English. After break we have our phonics lesson, and then our reading lesson before lunch. In the afternoon we learn about the world through science and our foundation subjects, including art, PE, RE, PSHE, history, geography, computing, design technology; and three times per week we have a whole-school assembly.

Important information

At the start of each half term we will send home a letter with important information, including PE days and school trips. We will also give a brief description of our learning topics.

Food and drink

Water bottles should be brought in every day and taken home for cleaning.

We will endeavor to make sure that the children will be able to have a bagel or piece of fruit, but you can also bring your own in as long as it is healthy. Please remember that we do not allow children to bring in food containing nuts, to reduce the possibility of allergic reactions.

Other learning experiences

We expect every member of Rabbit class to follow our school rules: Calm, Respectful and Safe. We earn Shining Stars for being outstanding during our day, these can be awarded for brilliant behaviour or super work. Once we reach our class target for the term we receive our class reward. In the past we have had movie afternoons, PJ days, water fights and extra playtime.


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