Welcome to Owl Class

In Owl Class we are very lucky to have two adults working with the children, Mrs Hall (Owl class teacher) and Mrs Benjamin (our class Teaching Assistant).

We start each morning with handwriting, phonics, reading and English. After break we have our daily maths lesson. We always have a fantastic book that we read to help us with our writing. In the afternoon we do topic work and other subjects such as, science, computing, RE, art/DT, music and PE. Each half term we have an exciting new topic to explore. We love listening to and joining in with stories in our daily reading for pleasure session.

Autumn Term

This term, as we transition from Reception into Key Stage 1, in our science and topic learning we will focus on the places that we live and the materials that we use. In art, we will be learning to make spirals; whilst in DT we will be learning to make moving vehicles in our topic: Taxi!

Spring Term

In our topic learning this term, we will be learning about childhood toys from the past in our history lessons; and, in geography, finding out about the countries and continents of the world. We will also be learning about different styles of music in our topic: In the Groove.

Summer Term

This term, we are learning about how the weather changes with the seasons; and, in the second half term, we will be learning about seaside locations and how they compare to where we live. In PE we will be learning about running, jumping and throwing; whilst in DT we will be learning how healthy food is made and prepared.

This term, as the weather improves, it is recommended that children come to school wearing suncream and bring a sun hat with them to school every day.


Children will need to bring in their PE kit to get changed on their PE days. At the start of each term we will send home a letter to let you know which days these are.

As a reminder, please make sure that your child does not wear any jewellery for PE, including ear studs – national guidance has been updated to state that we are no longer allowed to tape ears for PE; so these need to be removed on PE days otherwise your child will not be allowed to participate in the practical tasks.


Reading to a member of our household for at least 10 minutes a day. This has been proven to have a have a great impact on our learning in all areas of the curriculum.

Other learning experiences

Please look out for letters about educational visits, reading cafes and parent workshops; and other school events.

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